Valentine’s Day is almost here, and that means tons of people are preparing for the love of their life to surprise them with bouquets of flowers and large diamonds. Unfortunately, not all of us are as lucky as those ladies and are still confused on how our “better half” is really feeling.
February is here and that means chocolate and sweets galore “for Valentine’s day” but really we celebrate the whole month with cakes on cakes on cakes. Here are a few of the best bakeries in the Oklahoma City area to help you really indulge to your full potential.
I don’t know about you, but holiday movies hold a very special place in how I judge others. You can tell a lot about someone by what holiday movies they enjoy. For example, if someone likes anything that’s claymation, you can bank on the fact that they’re a serial killer. It may or may not be true that personal relationships have gone up in a fiery cloud of smoke over holiday movie choices. This is probably why I spend Christmas Eve alone guzzling egg nog, feasting on sugar cookies and gazing teary-eyed at my leg lamp (after all, it’s a major award).